Monday, 31 October 2016

Halloween Party

Thank you for contributing to our special Halloween lunch!

Happy Halloween πŸ‘» πŸ•ΈπŸ•·πŸŽƒ

~ Mrs. Pollreis 






Friday, 28 October 2016

skeleton art

Today we used q-tips to make Halloween skeletons.

The children worked hard to cut the q-tips to make different sized bones

"I'm cutting ribs for my skeleton".

We used our imagination to create our own skeletons. One of the children put makeup on their skeleton face. 

"I'm putting blue eyeshadow, red lipstick and eyelashes".

"I think my skeleton needs hair".
"what could we use for hair?" ( Mrs Braz)

 "string!" So we got out some yarn for hair.

 One of the children decided not to use the q-tips and ended up drawing his own skeleton.

"Mrs Braz can you make snowflakes".
"I can teach you how to make your own snowflakes".

What a proud feeling to be able to make your own snowflakes.

Q: Why didn't the skeleton dance at the Halloween party?

 A: He had no body to dance with !

Q: When does a skeleton laugh?

A: When something tickles his funny bone!!

~Mrs Braz 

Monday, 24 October 2016

Steinbach corn maze

Our field trip was such an adventure.

Once we arrived we decided to start our adventure in the corn maze. We followed the trails and found different check points throughout the maze. Every once in a while we would lose Mrs. Thwaites......

Then she would pop out from behind the corn and scare us! We all screamed so loud.

We thought it was super funny when she would scare us, that some of us would tried to hide on her!  We got her every time. 😜 

After about 45 minutes in the corn maze we went over to the animals.

There were rabbits, chickens & cats. 

The rabbits were really hungry so we fed them. 

Our next stop was the hay ride out to see the cows.

Once our hay ride was over we noticed some really neat hay bails piled up.
We started climbing and going through the hay. 

Some of us loved jumping off the bails of hay. 

After all that walking and climbing, we were all super hungry. 

After lunch we explored all the indoor activities. 

There was a game room, with a mini indoor maze. 

There were two dark mazes. 
One had blue lights which made us all glow! 
The other one had no lights at all, it was super spooky. 

To end our trip and because we were all in big trouble, (not really all the children were wonderful on the field trip). We were sent to TIME OUT!!! 

Can you you see our sad, mad faces. 

We all really enjoyed our trip to Steinbach. We hope that all the children told you about the fun we had. 

~Mrs. Thwaites 

























Friday, 7 October 2016

Our Afternoon Group

A whole month of school has come and gone. The afternoon children have settled into our fall routine.

    The teachers come to pick us up from the bus.

   We then have lunch. We have been bringing back new French words we've learned at school.
   "Bonjour that's hello in French "

      " I know how to say blue, bleu".

   We have a little rest 

 We have been interested in making paper airplanes. A lot of patience, determination and practice goes into folding the paper.

   "Wow! Did you see it flying "

   The children love racing their paper airplanes.

~ Mrs. Braz