Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Classroom Compost

Our classroom has started our very own compost so that we may added the soil that it makes to our gardens next year. 

During our last Inservice day we baked some yummy banana muffins. We had banana peels that could go outside in the compost. 

Once we were all done baking we headed outside.

We added the fruit to the bin then we needed to spin the barrel so that we could mix the compost. 

Each of the children tried to spin the barrel, but figured out that it wasn't a one kid job. 

They worked together and had the compost spinning in no time. 

We as staff find it so rewarding that we get to take on these extra ideas and projects. We have the opportunity to teach the children what it's like to work hard and take pride in the fact that we are going the extra mile to add less garbage to the Brady landfill.

~ Mrs. Thwaites 

1 comment:

  1. This just makes my heart sing ! Great job team. :)))
