Friday, 29 July 2016

Zucchini Muffins

We harvested zucchini from our garden.

We decided to make zucchini banana muffins because we noticed bananas in the kitchen that needed to be used before the long weekend.

We took turns grating the zucchini, mashing the bananas, measuring the ingredients and stirring.

We spooned the mixture into the muffin pans and carried them into the kitchen.

We had to return the ingredients too!

Ready to bake.

One of the ingredients we used was cinnamon and we remembered there was a sensory tray with cinnamon, salt and cloves in it. A few friends decided to go explore it while we waited for the muffins to bake.

Ready to eat!

We enjoyed every bite! There were no leftovers! We will have to try a new zucchini recipe next week since we all enjoyed this one so much!

~ Mrs. Pollreis

Lower Fort Gary

Guest house, where visitors of the Husbson Bay stayed.

Farm Manager house, 

Clothes hanger, 

Can you guess what they used to colour their wool?........... Carrot tops.

Sleeping cat! Can you spot him? 

Learning how to pull and roll wool.

Different items they use to colour wool. 

Off to learn about trade and furs.

How many pole does it take to close the smoke hole in the tepee?...... 2

Learning how to build a fire.

Tinder box, a real easy way to start a fire for the pioneers. 

Wolverine fur and claws! 

Music time. Drums and shakers made from animal skin. 

Blacksmiths workshop. 

Making a nail. 

Off to the Fort. We went inside the Fort walls. 

Sales shop. 

Does a skunk still smell when its skinned? Let us see.....nope!

Jail house! 

Ridding in the police car. 

"Let us out!"

Playing dress up! 

The bakers house.

Great group picture in front of the big house to end our fun educational field trip!

So much walking makes for some very sleepy children! 

Sharing is fun! 

Lower Fort Garry was a first for all most all of the children and some teachers. It was a great adventure and we are so happy that we could share our trip with all our families with this blog. 

~ Mrs. Thwaites, Mrs. Pollreis, Miss. Cottrell & Miss. Dorge