Thursday 14 July 2016

Outdoor week day 4: Fort Whyte

What an exciting day spent outdoors at Fort Whyte Alive. We explored many different areas. Our first stop was critter dipping. 

We had to walk across the floating docks to get to the critter dipping area. 

On our way across, we saw a muskrat, turtles, and ducks. 

Getting our nets and hearing the safety rules for the dock. 

Discussing what we caught. 

Note: The staff were always within arms reach of the children when near water. 

We headed back to the discovery centre. 

Going on a nature walk.

 Found some nature items for our classroom along the way.

Found the little grass house!

Had some lunch!

We played on a Bison bolder (something a bison uses to scratch their back) while we waited for the rest of our friends to finish eating. It was so tall that we had to use some major teamwork to get up.
Then back to exploring, where we found a grasshopper, some fish, a snake, a giant beetle, deer tracks, and a teepee.

We LOVED Fort Whyte!

~ Mrs. Thwaites & Ms. Cottrell

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