Tuesday, 26 July 2016


This morning Miss. Cottrell decided to climb the tree in the front playground. This got the children very excited in learning and trying to climb the tree themselves. 

At first Miss. Cottrell was helping the children climb, encouraging them to use their muscles to pull themselves up. After awhile she got really tried and needed a break.

The children did not want to stop climbing! They stopped and and put their thinking caps on to find another way to climb. 

That's when they started to help each other up.

Some of the children lifted from the feet, others lifted from the back.

So much determination!

One of the children, has some monkey blood cause he climbed with minimal help and made it all the way up on to the tree branch. 

Just hanging out and relaxing! 

As you can see in this picture Mrs. Thwaites could not help but scream to all the teachers about what just happened. 

Way to go Schoolage 1! This goes to show how friendship, teamwork and determination goes a long way in helping you achieve your goal. 

~ Mrs. Thwaites 

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