We went on another adventure to Fort Whyte!
We noticed all of the tall grasses and other plant life had grown much taller and fuller.

We stopped to see if any of us had grown taller too...
"I'm taller than a baby bison!"
This child is as tall as a deer!
The bison were far off in the field so it was difficult to see them.
We discovered tepees built from sticks in the forest. We planned a big party inside. We baked a cake over the fire and roasted marshmallows to make s'mores. We spent a long while exploring in this area because we were so involved in our imaginative play.
There was a tall tree fort in the same section of the forest so we went up the long staircase.
We were able to see far and wide..."I can see Winnipeg!"
We could even see the bison!
We could look down and see our friends below.
We spied on a group of School Age 2 children approaching our tree fort.
One child found a tree frog on a tree while up in the Fort so she carefully brought it down to show the other children.
She was very gentle and respectful of the frog and reminded her friends to be careful.
Next, we went to check out the bison bones.
We tried to figure out which part of the bison body some of the bones belonged to. One child thought maybe this one was an arm bone.
"I think this is a baby bison bone."
This child decided to try and put the bones together to build a bison....
The other children thought this was a great idea and came over to help.
"Ummm...is this a bison bone or just a stick?"
We ventured on a long walk down the trails and came across a peaceful area with pictures of birds.
We noticed birds eating from bird feeders and were very quiet so we didn't disturb them. We tried to figure out which bird was which...but they only stopped at the feeders for a split second and were gone in the blink of an eye.
We discovered a bumble bee on a flower.
Then, we moved on to the tepee and spent some time looking around inside.
Finally, we went critter dipping!!
Note: A teacher was in arms reach at all times when near the water.
Mrs. Thwaites quickly snapped two pictures and was right behind us.
~ Mrs. Pollreis
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